I don't even know where to start because everything you've written touches me on such a deep level. Reading your words feels like hearing your heart speak directly to mine, and its a reminder of how rare and special what we have truly is. You have this incredible way of putting everything into perspective, balancing love, commitment, and wisdom in such a thoughtful way... - G., UK 
...thank you for so many hours, and so many words. Thank you for letting me take part in your life. Thank you for being so crazily inspiring in spite of the circumstances you live in. Thank you for not giving up. Thank you for loving me and building me up and encouraging me. I'm sending you a big hug and warm smile in this fight... - M., Germany
...You are locked in a cell behind bars, but your heart goes beyond it, through oceans and over continents, your energy is like a comet making its way through the universe...We have a soul that belongs to God, a supreme energy that holds everything together. And without which, nothing would exist and this must be considered. That's why you and I are linked, although our eyes don't meet and our hands don't shake...nevertheless, our friendship exists, scouring the oceans.- A., Italy 
Words are powerful. Words have the ability to be transformative. Once given life, words have the infinite potential to pierce any veil. For better or worse, they can be the manifestation of what eventually has the capacity to break you. Ultimately, "what is" only tends to be a fact because we make it so based on the thoughts and belief of what we speak into existence...And it is words of intention and action like the quotes above that ARE reaffirming in a way that keeps the existence of capital punishment from destroying our spirits. That keep you from dying here everyday, over and over. That keep you from feeling as if you're trapped in a dark lake under ice...Looking out into a blurred and severely distorted world, they are the only remnants of what you can't touch. But the Love is still penetrating enough to be felt. It is It is what keeps you from feeling dragged down as your life is draining away, sinking, before the blackness takes you. This is not a place where you drown once. We hold on to the spirits of love, compassion, respect, and the Struggle of activism to keep from drowning every single day. Because it is through those mediums that we're able to be heard. Once you're inside of a cage, you effectively lose your voice. Its very difficult to be heard over the acoustics of steel and concrete. Your echo only serves to recognize your identity in being buried alive. It is the same smothering of Justice, and bloody wounds from a broken scale, that serve as a reminder that you're still connected to the largest race on this planet...because there is still Life within a soul that bleeds. And it is for that reason I need everyone who reads these words to understand that the only way we will win this war is with action. We need you to step up and voice your disapproval of anything that propagates the death penalty. More personally, we need you to stand in support with us for James. We fight for his Life, and we fight for his freedom in the Struggle and spirit of activism. But as mentioned, it cannot be accomplished alone. We need YOU to take action. To be included within his support team, please join us in this fight and be added to our supporters email list! 

If you would like to contact James, you can write to him at: ​

James Broadnax #999549

Polunksky Unit

3872 FM 350 South

LivingstonTexas 77351


Also, please feel free to send him personal love and support by contacting him directly. You can do this by going to "securustech.net" and setting up an account to message him. Thank you for visiting our site. Your support and interest is very much appreciated! We wish everyone peace, love, and light in this fight. - Support Team

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